Bringing Mom Home is a wry, bittersweet, and occasionally humorous account of one woman's determination to love her mother before it's too late.

Susan and Claire have been noticing their independent, introverted mother is sort of ... off. Discreet investigation reveals the appalling truth: Mom can't find her way home, pay her bills or even get to the toilet anymore. The move to an assisted living facility only further highlights the many aspects of her life that have quietly fallen through the cracks. Assisted living doesn't render enough assistance for people with advanced dementia, and Mom has never fit in anyway. There's only one thing left to do: bring her home. But how can the sisters pull it off?

The practical aspects of physical care turn out to be less difficult than the emotional challenges to love and honor. The author brings her Christian faith to bear on such questions as, How can I love this person who bears no resemblance to the woman who raised me? And, Do I really just want Mom to hurry up and die?

"Soesbe's engaging writing, eye for detail, and willingness to reveal personal struggles make this a compelling and helpful read." - World Magazine

“Honest and easy to read.” ~Rachael Wonderlin, Dementia by Day

“Highly recommend for anyone who has cared for a parent or loved one, or anyone who has loved and lost.” ~Alice C.

“I had a hard time putting this book down once I had read the first page.” ~. Wendy P.

“A must-read for anyone faced with the challenging responsibility of caring for an aging parent.” ~Loyla Louvis, Mothers in Training

“I devoured it in two sittings.” ~ Chelsea C.

“A blend of the difficult realities caregivers face, a lighthearted embrace of their unusual situation, childhood memories and a deep faith that anchors the author in continually shifting seas.”~Ann Campanella, AlzAuthors Management Team

You can find Bringing Mom Home here:


Bringing Mom Home is available for purchase as an audiobook.